Meet the Directors

Farmafrik > Meet the Directors

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Les Ojugbana

Les is a Nigerian born, UK based serial entrepreneur and investor of Anglo-Nigerian descent. Over the course of 20 years, he has acquired and established a wide range of successful businesses in the leisure, entertainment and security industries, as well as a vast commercial and residential property portfolio spanning the globe.

Les has a track record of taking on failing businesses and turning them into profitable enterprises.

He is an avid sportsman, and takes a keen interest in social issues.

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Tariq Amro

Tariq is a successful Jordanian entrepreneur from a family of renowned automotive and farming entrepreneurs.

His early years were spent working alongside his family in the farming industry in Jordan, as well as at his fathers armour car factories where large numbers of armoured vehicles were manufactured and exported around the world, with one of their major client markets being Nigeria.

Over time Tariq developed the passion for green house farming on a commercial scale and has since left the family car business to focus primarily on his passion for farming in Nigeria.

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Ali Yagan

Ali is as a Syrian born, Nigerian based international business man.

His back ground is primarily in the textiles and agricultural commodities export and importation business.

He has a wealth of knowledge in the day to day operations of businesses in Nigerian and foreign markets and has proven to be very successful.

Ali has lived and worked across Nigeria for many years, has learned to speak the local languages and is Influential and respected amongst both the local Nigerian and expat communities.
